Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

At King Edward VI Balaam Wood Academy, we believe that each person should be encouraged to achieve his or her potential in all aspects of school life. Supporting youngsters with Special Educational Needs is a clear expression of our mission statement – “Inspire, Succeed, Achieve”.

The guiding principles and objectives of the School’s SEN Policy are to ensure that the aims of the Mission Statement are secured for all pupils. We recognise that all pupils may have special educational needs at some time in their school career and that provision for these needs is on a continuum. We regard the pupils’ self-esteem to be of vital importance to their learning and intend that pupils should not feel stigmatised by their need. Teachers aim to ensure that all pupils have the chance to succeed, whatever their individual needs and potential barriers to their learning.

The current percentage of pupils with SEND is: 32.5%

Number of pupils on roll: 389

Where can the LA’s local offer be found?

This information is available on: Local Offer Birmingham

The SEND Local Offer is a resource which is designed to support children and young people with special
educational needs and/or disabilities and their families.

It describes the services and provision that are available both to those families in Birmingham that have an
Education, Health and Care Plan and those who do not have a plan, but still experience some form of special
educational need.

The SEND Local Offer includes information about public services across education, health and social care, as well as
those provided by the private, voluntary and community sectors.

Meet the Staff

Miss Smith -AHT/ SENCO
Miss Rousell – SEMH Lead
Mrs Stokes – ASC Lead
Miss Tomes – L3 TA in Class Support
Mrs Moran – EAL
Mrs Cale –
SEND Admin Support

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

Accessibility Plan

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