At King Edward VI Balaam Wood Academy, we are committed to ensuring that all pupils are provided with learning opportunities that develop skills, strengthen knowledge and deepen understanding so that they achieve their potential and become lifelong learners. We understand that parents and carers value the setting of high quality work for completion at home to support the learning that has taken place in lessons.
If you require any further information about home learning, please contact Miss Smith, Assistant Headteacher.
Why is home learning important?
- Encourages pupils to reflect on their learning and apply skills alone.
- Encourages independent and creative personal responses to the texts we study.
- Allows pupils to develop tenacity and initiative when approaching tasks without the teacher immediately on hand.
- Provides opportunities for assessment preparation, including reading around the subject. Encourages independent thought and develops research skills.
How will home learning be set?
- The class teacher will explain the task and the pupil will be expected to copy it into their planners in a clear way that will allow them to understand the task fully when they get home.
- ‘Home Learning Calendar’ will also be used for recording tasks.
- Tasks will take a variety of forms: independent research; preparation for the next lesson(s); extending learning started in class; revision for assessments (see calendar for dates); extended writing practice; practice questions and ‘opportunity homework’ for those who wish to complete extra tasks.
- Tasks will be set regularly, at a time that it will be meaningful to the pupil.
- A copy of the home learning timetable can be found on the school website.
What expectations do staff have of the work being completed
- Independent work should be completed on time without fail.
- The school sanction system will be applied if home learning is not completed.
- Home learning should always be completed to the best of a pupil’s ability and not rushed for completion. This also means pupils must plan their time effectively to ensure they have sufficient time to complete tasks to an appropriate standard.
What help and support is available?
- Teachers are available at lunchtimes to discuss any home learning in detail and answer any questions. This should not be left to the last minute though.
- Pupils’ own notes from class are the most valuable resource.
- Reading books can be borrowed from the school hub and the hub is also open every day after school apart from Wednesday.
- Useful resources include: GCSE Bitesize, YouTube, Century and other subject specific recommendations.